I know this is off topic from our regular subject matter but please bear with me as it relates to an earlier post. Do you remember that picture of that super fat UFC 3 fighter
Emmanuel Yarborough from my
March 26th post? You know the one where he's hanging out with Ms. Cyrus. WELL... Emmanual can be seen on the silver screen in Aronofsky's
The Wrestler (2008). By no means his first appearance on the big screen, or the small one for that matter, Yarborough's role in The Wrestler is by far his most autobiographical. Yarborough here delivers an incisive and austere performance reminescent of that of Hitchcock in North By Northwest, Psycho, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Family Plot, Frenzy, Strangers on A Train, Topaz, Torn Curtain, Marnie, Stage Fright, The Birds, Vertigo, Lifeboat, The Wrong Man, Easy Virtue, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Trouble With Harry, Under Capricorn, To Catch A Thief, Rope, Rear Window, The 39 Steps, The Lodger, The Paradine Case, Suspicion, Shadow of A Doubt, Blackmail, Spellbound, Dial M for Murder, Rebecca, I Confess, Notorious, Saboteur, Foreign, The Lady Vanishes, Correspondent, Young and Innocent, Murder.