Friday, May 1, 2009

Old Man Computer Ramblings...

A new Microsoft "you find it, you keep it" ad has just come out and like clockwork, the Mac blogs are abuzz. This time the ad follows a filmmaker named Sheila who is looking for a slightly higher end laptop for "cutting video". AppleInsider seemed to imply that the young lady (Sheila) in the ad wasn't a real filmmaker because she didn't end up buying a Mac. At the end of the article, AI also suggested that Sheila was going to have a hard time finding a "viable" video editing application for a Windows platform. I infered a wink to Mac's buddled iMovie application (Let me just say that iMovie is one of the worst programs, video editing or otherwise, I have ever used). Anyhow, long story short, Sheila finds an affordable HP laptop as usual and all is well. That is until you click to the comments pages following the article which are bulging with retorts from whimpering Mac pussies; "WE should totally launch an ad campaign to get back at PCs" (like THEY haven't already), "DDR2 ram is way slower than DDR3," "I've got like four iPods, two Mac Pros and 15 Macbooks," or "I've never had sex with a woman."

Note to Apple fruitcakes (get it): drink the cool-aid already.


MB 2.16 ghz, iPod 30 Gb and a pickle up my a**

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